July 03, 2008 Top 100 Shareholders as of 30 June 2008 Reports on Shareholders/Ownership
July 02, 2008 Foreign Ownership Report as of 30 June 2008 Reports on Shareholders/Ownership
May 13, 2008 17Q – 1Q08 17Q Quarterly Reports
April 15, 2008 17A – FY2007 17A Annual Reports
March 27, 2008 FLI ASHM 2008 Minutes of All General or Special Stockholders’ Meetings
February 20, 2008 Top 100 Stockholders as of March 31, 2008 Reports on Shareholders/Ownership
January 04, 2008 Foreign Ownership Report as of end December 2007 Reports on Shareholders/Ownership

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79 EDSA, Mandaluyong City,
1550 Philippines
(63 2) 7-918-8188

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Email: servicedesk@filinvestland.com